Check Altair Current Price Today.


-23.41% (24H)
Low $0.006090
High $0.01032
  • Market Cap $3.05 M
  • Volume $115,509
  • Available Supply 394.13 M AIR
  • ATH $0.16
  • ATH(% Change) -95.12%

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# ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Altair current price is $0.007750 with a marketcap of $3.05 M. Its price is -23.41% down in last 24 hours.

Altair combines the industry-leading infrastructure built by Centrifuge to finance real-world assets (RWA) on Centrifuge Chain, with the newest experimental features — before they go live on Centrifuge Chain. Even once Centrifuge is fully live on Polkadot, Kusama will be used for minting art NFTs, financing undiscovered assets, and whatever else the Kusama community brings to the table.