Check Forward Current Price Today.


0.41% (24H)
Low $0.001037
High $0.001077
  • Market Cap $5.34 M
  • Volume $151,814
  • Available Supply 4.99 B FORWARD
  • ATH $0.02285
  • ATH(% Change) -95.32%

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# ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Forward current price is $0.001075 with a marketcap of $5.34 M. Its price is 0.41% up in last 24 hours.

Forward is the WordPress of Web3.0 and has built a drag-and-drop no-code solution that helps people deploy their dApps on any EVM based chain of their choice, with Rust, Go, Haskel and Python currently being implemented. More than 800+ chains have already been integrated with the Forward Factory.With Forward’s intuitive design, any user irrespective of their technical knowledge can sign-up to Forward, select a dApp in the Forward Marketplace, customize it and deploy it with just a few clicks.Developers can build, customize and publish their templates to be monetized on the Marketplace.Highlights:1. No code drag-and-drop interface to build, customize and deploy dApps.2. Intuitive design for non-technical users.3. Monetize the usage of built dApp templates4. Open marketplace