Check mevETH Current Price Today.


-0.72% (24H)
Low $2,634.03
High $2,736.79
  • Market Cap $270,594
  • Volume $271
  • Available Supply 100 MEVETH
  • ATH $4,442.83
  • ATH(% Change) -38.99%

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# ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

mevETH current price is $2,710.36 with a marketcap of $270,594. Its price is -0.72% down in last 24 hours.

MEV protocol serves as a sophisticated platform for Liquid Staking Receipt (LSR) management, designed to optimize Ethereum value through efficient staking and reward distribution. This contract leverages multiple core modules to achieve its objectives, including admin control, staking management, share vault updates, ERC4626 integration, withdrawal queues and omni-chain tokens.