Check Tycoon Current Price Today.


0.00% (24H)
  • Market Cap $84,127
  • Volume $84
  • Available Supply 92.23 M TYC

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# Exchange Pair Price Volume (24h) Updated Trust Score

Tycoon current price is $0.0009121 with a marketcap of $84,127. Its price is 0.00% up in last 24 hours.

Tycoon is the first social copy trading platform specialized in cryptocurrencies. Tycoon utilizes the experience of traders and is therefore both beneficial for traders and followers. Traders have the opportunity to increase their following by doing what they can do best: trading. Followers will have the ability to connect their accounts to their chosen trader with the biggest advantage: YOUR FUNDS STAY WITH YOU. Therefore, you don’t need to trust any third person to conduct the trade for you, with a simple click you can follow and therefore copy the complete portfolio of the chosen trader in real-time. Registration for both Trader and follower is completely free.Â