Check Victoria VR Current Price Today.


12.68% (24H)
Low $0.008574
High $0.01020
  • Market Cap $66.48 M
  • Volume $22.62 M
  • Available Supply 6.85 B VR
  • ATH $0.62
  • ATH(% Change) -98.42%
  • ATH Date 2021-12-10

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# ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Victoria VR current price is $0.009711 with a marketcap of $66.48 M. Its price is 12.68% up in last 24 hours.

Victoria VR is the first blockchain-based MMORPG in virtual reality with realistic graphics built on the Unreal Engine, created and owned by its users. Victoria VR aims to create a new Metaverse of multi-dimensional interactions where users will be able to immerse themselves interactively with never-ending digital content.The whole world is built to be a universal platform for all virtual realities, games, and decentralized applications, collectively creating a Metaverse — a shared virtual realm, the 3D internet. The Victoria VR Metaverse will be where people go to work, rest, learn, play and eventually live.