Check Xai Current Price Today.


5.49% (24H)
Low $0.09681
High $0.11
  • Market Cap $77.03 M
  • Volume $52.62 M
  • Available Supply 738.32 M XAI
  • ATH $1.59
  • ATH(% Change) -93.42%

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# ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Xai current price is $0.10 with a marketcap of $77.03 M. Its price is 5.49% up in last 24 hours.

Xai was developed to enable real economies and open trade in the next generation of video games. With Xai, potentially billions of traditional gamers can own and trade valuable in-game items in their favorite games for the first time, without the need to use crypto-wallets. Anyone can support the Xai network by operating a node which allows them to receive network rewards and participate in governance. Xai is developed by Offchain Labs leveraging Arbitrum technology.