Building a Super App for Chain-Agnostic Execution – Omar Zaki, Founder of Composable and Picasso

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Composable and Picasso are the team leading the extension of IBC to all ecosystems in order to bring to life secure and chain-agnostic interoperability for users and builders. Picasso currently powers cross-ecosystem IBC across Polkadot, Kusama, Cosmos with 20+ connected chains and soon Ethereum, Solana, and NEAR will also be connected. Composable will leverage the various IBC connections with the addition of Composable’s CVM & MANTIS to bring to life seamless, secure, and cost-efficient intent execution across all connected chains.

Omar ‘brainjar’ Zaki is the founder of Composable and Picasso. He recently joined the News Podcast to talk about the technology:

Omar is a seasoned researcher and innovator in the blockchain industry. His deep understanding of the space complemented by an encompassing perspective on the vision of cross-chain DeFi has established him as a thought leader and valuable pioneer. His current focus entails the investigation and research of blockchain infrastructure and trends, providing valuable insights that guide Composable’s development.

Additionally, Omar is actively involved in the design of products that optimally utilize the technological capabilities offered by the Composable tech stack. Brainjar shares and communicates the research and development (R&D) activities at Composable through his posts on Twitter and Medium and the Composable Research forum.

The News podcast features interviews with the most interesting leaders, founders and investors in the world of Cryptocurrency, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), NFTs and the Metaverse. Follow us on iTunes, Spotify and Google Play.

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