Check Energi Current Price Today.


0.48% (24H)
Low $0.04363
High $0.04458
  • Market Cap $3.78 M
  • Volume $292,528
  • Available Supply 85.44 M NRG
  • ATH $10.19
  • ATH(% Change) -99.57%
  • ATH Date 2019-06-25

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# ExchangePairPriceVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Energi current price is $0.04434 with a marketcap of $3.78 M. Its price is 0.48% up in last 24 hours.

Energi (NRG) is a next-generation proof-of-stake (PoS) cryptocurrency that combines smart contracts, decentralized governance, and a self-funding treasury. Energi was founded by Tommy World Power, who imagined a better, sustainable cryptocurrency that had the potential for mass adoption. The project has since grown to more than 60 team members and 225,000 community members, all working together to create a cryptocurrency for the future.