Revuto Becomes First Cardano-Native Asset To List On Top-Tier Exchanges KuCoin and Simultaneously

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Listing On Noteworthy CEXs Opens Floodgate For Revuto User Acquisition

 Blockchain startup Revuto, a platform that enables users to manage and pay for subscriptions using cryptocurrencies easily, has announced the listing of its Cardano-native REVU token on top-tier centralized exchanges KuCoin and Starting January 7, 2022, retail investors can purchase the token through either of these platforms and be a part of the Revuto community.

Revuto is the first dApp on Cardano, designed to leverage Cardano’s native tokens and DeFi solutions to help users pay for their subscriptions and save money irrespective of the crypto market’s volatility. After closing its highly successful public token sale, Revuto became the first project to launch a mobile wallet and ICO (Initial Coin Offering) on Cardano. Moreover, the platform’s REVU token is also the first Cardano-native asset to secure simultaneous listings in two of the most prominent centralized exchanges.

Throughout 2021, the Revuto team witnessed meteoric growth, raising $10 million within minutes of its first public sale. The platform has also received over 3 million early sign-ups for its subscription management dApp. Furthermore, in the last six months, more than 300,000 global users have registered on the Revuto dApp, making it the fastest-growing fintech startup worldwide.

Simplifying Your Subscription Management Experience

With subscription-based services growing exponentially, blockchain-based startup Revuto aims to simplify the subscription management experience for users while offering them more control and transparency.

To further their mission, the Revuto team recently launched their dApp on Cardano to enable users to manage and pay for their existing (and new) subscriptions using crypto and DeFi services. Employing Revuto’s Cardano-native REVU token, users can pay their subscriptions at lower costs than debit and credit cards and stake the tokens to earn additional yield.

In the coming days, the Revuto team will launch their virtual debit cards to allow users to manage subscription seasonality and pay for their subscriptions with Cardano-native tokens. The platform also aims to introduce Defi services, including liquidity pools for micro-lending and borrowing.

Commenting on the growth of the platform and the upcoming CEX listings, Vedran Vukman, CEO and Co-founder of Revuto, notes, “We are proud to make history again with REVU, after being the first ICO, publishing the 1st Cardano lite wallet and breaking records with our growth – we are now the first to list on tier 1 CEXs, KuCoin and”

Vukman concludes, “Our ethos is to work only with the best; to ensure our customers and investors enjoy the best products and returns. It may take longer, and is often the more difficult way – but it’s the right way to build long-term value.”


Image source: Revuto

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